Ace Your Application: CV Tips for Brazil's iGaming Boom.

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Ace Your Application: CV Tips for Brazil's iGaming Boom

May 30, 2024

The newly regulated Brazilian iGaming market is a magnet for talent, offering exciting opportunities for both seasoned professionals and newcomers. But developing a CV that stands out in this competitive market requires a strategic approach.

Here's your playbook to land that dream iGaming job in Brazil, regardless of your experience level:

Tailor It for Impact:

      Keywords are King: Research the specific role and industry jargon. Integrate relevant keywords throughout your CV, especially in your summary and skills sections. Think "responsible gaming practices," "customer acquisition strategies," or "data-driven marketing for iGaming."

      Highlight Transferable Skills: Don't underestimate the power of your existing skillset. Identify achievements from past roles that translate to iGaming functions. Are you a marketing whiz who launched successful campaigns? Do you have amazing customer service skills? Can you turn data into meaningful insights to help drive your employer’s success?

      Quantify Your Achievements: Don't just list responsibilities. Use data and metrics to quantify your successes. Increased sales by X%, improved customer satisfaction ratings by Y%, or streamlined processes resulting in Z% efficiency gains – these metrics showcase your impact.

      Customise for Each Role: Avoid a one-size-fits-all CV. Tailor your application materials for each specific job, highlighting how your skills directly align with the role's requirements.

Showcase Your iGaming Knowledge:

      Go Beyond the Basics: Demonstrate your understanding of the Brazilian iGaming landscape. Briefly mention your research on market trends, regulations, and key players. This shows initiative and genuine interest in the industry.

      Highlight Responsible Gaming: In regulated markets like Brazil, responsible gaming practices are paramount. Mention relevant courses or webinars you've attended to demonstrate your commitment to this crucial aspect of the industry.

Embrace Your Brazilian Advantage:

      Language is Your Weapon: Being a Brazilian candidate is a major asset. Emphasise your fluency in Portuguese and cultural understanding of the local market. Briefly showcase how this would benefit the company in catering to Brazilian players.

      Highlight Relevant Experience: If you've previously worked with Brazilian customers or in similar industries, highlight these experiences. This showcases your understanding of the specific market dynamics and consumer behaviour.

Formatting and Presentation:

      Keep it Clean and Readable: Use a clear and professional CV format. Ensure easy readability with well-organised sections and bullet points.

      Revise com atenção: Typos and grammatical errors scream carelessness. Proofread meticulously and consider having someone else review your CV for any glaring mistakes.

By following these CV tips and tailoring your application for each opportunity, you'll be well on your way to securing your dream job in the exciting world of Brazilian iGaming.

How we can help

Pentasia was founded to support the global iGaming sector, helping companies access top talent and candidates develop exciting careers in this dynamic space. Our LATAM consultants are at the forefront of the Brazilian iGaming sector with extensive experience in navigating the local market, regulatory landscape, and emerging trends, providing invaluable guidance and support to both employers and job seekers alike.

To find out more about how we can help you, contact